UE #21: Meet your inner critic
In this episode, we discuss our inner critics, and the various forms they take.
Relevant links:
Episode on perfectionism
UE #22: How to soothe your inner critic
In this episode, we slay, destroy, and overpower our inner critics. Take it to the ground and punch it in
UE #9: On Self Compassion
In this episode, I introduce the idea of self compassion. And then I lead you into a short 7 minute
UE #35: Energy flows where focus goes
In this podcast, you will find out how our patterns of focus determine our emotional well-being
Listen on Spotify/iTunes/
UE #5: How meditation can help build emotional intelligence (includes a 10 minute guided meditation)
Always wanted to learn meditation, but weren’t sure how exactly it helps? In this episode, I explain how meditation
UE #36: What is the goal behind your goals?
In this episode, we examine your relationship with goals! We begin by setting some goals, and then examine the motivations
UE #15: Your thoughts are not facts, they're hypotheses
How do you relate to your thoughts? Do you automatically assume they’re true? All about thoughts and their function
UE #32: Anger outside, fear inside (what anger is and how to manage it).
In this episode, you will learn what anger is and how to deal with it in the moment
Website: sankalpgarud.